GivingTree Farm Herb Company
Constitutional Intake Form
Lawrence Birch Certified Clinical Herbalist CCH
760 Sw Madison Avenue
Suite #11 A
Corvallis, OR 97333
Directions For Filling Out The Form:
Please fill out the form as completely as possible, which should take about 15 - 30 minutes. If you need help answering questions, please ask me. If you wish to elaborate on a question or condition, you may include additional information. You may drop off the form at my office or mailbox in the the Central Park South building (across from the Corvallis Art Center by Central Park) at 760 Sw Madison Avenue/Suite 11 A/ Corvallis, OR 97333. Or you may send your completed form to me via “snail” mail, or scan it and email it to me, or take clear, focused pictures of each page and text it to me. Lots of options! I will review it right away and contact you to set up your appointment.
During your appointment with me, we will discuss any herbs and other things that might be appropriate for you, and I may suggest herbs to tone your particular constitution. The information I share with you should be taken as educational, not diagnostic nor prescriptive. The personal health information you share with me is completely confidential, however, I may feel the need to discuss your issues with a colleague or your current health care practitioner. Please inform me if you do not consent to this arrangement.
There is no charge to fill out the form and for me to review it. My consultations in person, over the phone, via video conferencing or email, generally run from one to two hours and my fee is on a sliding scale, $75 to $155 per hour for your initial consultation, based on your ability to pay. Your initial fee includes a 15 minute follow up within two weeks. Any additional follow-ups by phone or email are $1/minute, 30 minute minimum. In person or video follow ups are $60 - $90 for 30 minutes. The cost of an herbal preparation, should you decide to get it from me, will cost around $15 to $35. Nobody will be refused a consultation for lack of funds.
GivingTree Farm Herb Company Constitutional Intake Form
Name:________________________________ Phone:_________________ Today’s Date:____/____/____
Your Birth Date:____/____/____ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________
DIRECTIONS: For every statement on this and the following pages, simply check or place an "X" beside all the descriptions that apply, except where otherwise indicated.
___ Sometimes nausea in mornings
___Sometimes nausea in evenings
___ Sometimes excess salivation
___Mouth frequently too dry
___Duodenal ulcer
___ Stomach ulcer
___Sometimes foul burps
___Butterflies in stomach
___Seldom eat breakfast
___Often don’t finish meals
___Often eat to calm down
___Receding gums
___Frequent use of alcohol
___Frequent poor appetite
___ Strong, demanding hunger
___Bitter taste in morning
___”Dragon breath” in mornings
___Acid indigestion at night
___Frequent mouth or cold sores
___Sometimes difficulty in swallowing
___Indigestion after eating
___ Stools loose with gas
___Constipation with gas
___Frequent constipation
___ Digestion unusually rapid
___ Loose stools when tired/stressed
___Light colored, hard stools
___ Dark, soft stools
___ Quick defecation after eating
___Intestines often feel bloated
___Constipation with hemorrhoids
___Constipation w/ painful defecation
___Constipation w/ hard, marbly stools
___Constipation w/ fully formed stools
___Constipation alternating with diarrhea
___Frequent need for laxatives
___Tongue often coated
___Dry, even scaly skin
___ Moist, sometimes oily skin
___Hives from food or drugs
___Hay fever or asthma
___Crave proteins, fats
___Crave fruit or sweets
___Frequent trouble digesting fats
___Acne on face AND buttocks
___Seems to have low blood sugar
___Had hepatitis in past
___Frequent use of alcohol
___Work with solvents
___Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis
___Frequent minor illnesses
___ Fever w/ sweat when sick
___Don’t sweat when sick
___ Standing too quickly makes pulse roar in ears
___Standing too quickly causes dizziness, faintness
___Wakes up at night to urinate
___Frequent flushing or blushing
___Water retention with change of weather
___ Moderate high blood pressure, crave fats
___Moderate low blood pressure, crave sweets
___Frequent thirst
___Craving for salt
___Urine always light colored
___Urine usually darker
___Sometimes difficulty in swallowing
___Indigestion after eating
___Frequent urination, small amounts
___ Infrequent urination, copious
___Sometimes dribbles urine afterwards
___Frequent bladder infections
___Demanding and sudden need to urinate
___Mucus in urine
___Benign prostatic hypertrophy (males)
___Dull ache after urination
___ Sweat freely with strong scent
___ Oily skin, facial acne
___Dry skin, cold hands and feet
___Cycle more than 28 days
___ Cycle less than 28 days
___ Water retention before menses: hips, breasts
___Water retention before menses: feet, hands
___ Craves fats, proteins before menses, usually
___Craves sweets before menses, usually
___ Sides of breasts tender before menses
___Miss some periods
___Menses slow starting with cramps
___ Palpitations before menses
___Menstruation lengthy, frequent cramps
___ Menstruation short, defined, few cramps
___Frequent Class II Pap smears
___History of PID, cervicitis
___Miscarriages, problem pregnancy
___ Period early with altitude change
___Period late with altitude change
___Tried, but couldn’t handle birth control pills
___Frequent candida-type infections
___Frequent cannabis user
___Pain or ache after orgasm
___Benign prostatic hypertrophy
___Difficulty maintaining erection even if you
feel in the mood
___Shortness of breath when standing/walking
___Tobacco smoker
___ Easy coughing of mucus
___Difficulty swallowing mucus
___Rapid shallow breather
___Sometimes wake up choking/gasping for
___Yawn frequently
___ Sometimes hyperventilates
___Frequent chest colds
___ Strong, slow pulse
___Fast, light pulse
___ Frequent physical activity
___ Warm bodied
___Cold bodied
___Sometimes dizzy or faint
___ Hands warm, sweaty
___Hands cold, clammy or dry
___ Palpitations either as an adolescent
or before menses
___Hypertension, responds to diuretics
___Hypertension, not responding to diuretics
___ Recuperate quickly if ill
___Recuperate slowly if ill
___ Injuries heal quickly
___Injuries heal slowly
___Eczema, dermatitis
___Asthma or hay fever
___Arthritis or rheumatism
___ Digest fats easily
___Digest fats poorly
___ Skin eruptions superficial, come to a head
___Skin eruptions deep, don’t come to a head
___Skin on trunk is dry
___ Oily scalp or hair
___Dry scalp or hair
___Cracks, fissures on heels, feet; slow healing
___Sores, cracks on mouth, anus, and/or vagina
___Lips often dry, chapped
___Food often causes pain passing through
___Get sore throat easily
Only mark conditions that are frequent. For a mild
condition write “1. ” Dominant conditions write “2.”
___Use aluminum cooking vessels
___Awaken, can’t go back to sleep
___Bad dreams
___Blurred vision
___Brown spots, bronzing of skin
___Bruises easily
___Can’t gain weight
___Can’t lose weight
___Can’t get started without coffee
___Chemical or spray poisoning
___Chronic fatigue, depression
___Cry easily without seeming cause
___Depressed for long periods of time
___Eat often or else feel faint/nervous
___Eyes often red, inflamed
___Face, eyes get puffy
___Facial twitches
___Gum problems
___Tooth problems
___Headaches in mornings, wearing off
___Heart palpitations when hungry
___Heart palpitations after eating
___Highly emotional
___Highly controlled
___Impaired hearing
___Increase in weight (recent)
___Lack of sensation somewhere in the body
___Like depressants
___Like stimulants
___Lower back pain
___Frequent muscle cramps
___Nails split, brittle
___Nails weak, ridges
___Nosebleeds frequently
___Pollution heavy in work or home environment
___Ringing in ears
___Pulse speeds up after meals
___Sensitive to cold weather
___Sensitive to hot weather
___Sensitive to high humidity
___Sensitive to low humidity
___Sexual desire decreased
___Sexual desire increased
___Stuffy nose during the day
___Stuffy nose in evening, night
___Tendency, seemingly, to anemia
___Tremors in hands or neck
___Varicose veins
___Weight gain in upper arms/shoulders/back of neck
1) Are you currently under the care of a physician or other health care provider? ___ Yes ___ No
Name of your provider:_______________________________________________
2) Have you been diagnosed with a chronic condition? If yes, please describe what it is:
______________ _____________________________________________________________
3) Have you been seriously ill or injured within the past 12 months? If yes, what happened:
____________ _____________________________________________________________
4) Have you been hospitalized within the past 12 months? If yes, for what reason(s):
5) Are you taking any prescription medications or receiving any kind of treatment? If yes please describe: _____________________________________________________________
6) Do you take any vitamin, mineral or other supplements? If so, what kind and how often?
7) Please describe what you usually eat: __________________________________________________
8) Are you active or do you exercise regularly or participate in a sport? If so, what kind and how often?
9) How has the past year been for you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?
10) How would you describe your mental and emotional health during the last 4 - 12 months?
11) Is there anything else you wish me to know that may be relevant to your health and this consultation?
Health History
____ ____ Are you pregnant/trying to get pregnant?
____ ____ Have you ever had any broken bones?
____ ____ Do you have a history of abuse?
____ ____ Have you ever had back problems?
____ ____ Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
Have you (SELF) or a family member (FAM) ever been diagnosed with any of the following? Family
members include grandparents, mother, father, and siblings. Write “X” in column(s) where appropriate.
____ _____ Allergies
____ _____ Cancer
____ _____ Diabetes
____ _____ Elevated cholesterol
____ _____ Heart disease
____ _____ Hepatitis
____ _____ High blood pressure
____ _____ HIV
____ _____ Migraines
____ _____ Multiple Sclerosis
____ _____ Osteoporosis
____ _____ Parkinson’s
____ _____ Seizures
____ _____ Sexually transmitted infection
____ _____ Stroke
____ _____ Thyroid disease
____ _____ Other: __________________
By signing this form I give my consent and authorize Lawrence Birch CCH to review the information in his possession for the purposes of completing my "constitutional review." I agree not to take any legal action against Lawrence Birch CCH, GivingTree Farm Herb Company or any of its agents or employees for any reason whatsoever. I also give my consent for Lawrence Birch CCH to confidentially discuss my information with another health care practitioner if he deems it necessary. Furthermore, I authorize Lawrence Birch CCH to contact my own health care practitioner(s) if necessary. I further understand that any information shared with me is just that, information not medical or other advice. Healing is ultimately my responsibility.
Print Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Signature: _______________________________________ Emergency contact name & phone #: ________________________________