Shamanic healing can be understood through many different lenses. It can be considered a type of energy work, spiritual medicine, or mind-body healing. It is perhaps our species' oldest form of healing therapy and the fact that it survives and is in a period of revival in many parts of the world, is a testament to its efficacy and durability.
A Shaman or Shamanic Practitioner can be thought of as one who perceives reality free from the subjective cultural influences that constrain the layman. Ironically, reality is both consensual and objective, yet very individual and thus, highly subjective! This paradox is not an impasse to a shaman but is instead an invitation to explore deeper. In the shamanic world paradoxes are commonplace and are meant to be learned from and accepted as parallel truths that coexist seemingly independently of each other yet are in fact more closely related and even interdependent when fully understood.
Science, which is a relatively recent human invention, has only just begun to study the shamanic healing process and in many cases is validating what Shamanic Practitioners already know. Much work has been done on what is called the "Shamanic State of Consciousness" or SSC. It has been understood for some time now that the brain's electrical activity, it's "pulse," can be significantly altered through something as basic but profound as meditation. Sound, intentional, rhythmic sound, such as the beating of a drum, the shaking of a rattle, the human voice lifted up in ritual song and prayer, and the many harmonic sounds from nature ―all have the ability to "attune" the human mind.
In this state of attunement, consciousness changes and the perception of reality shifts along with it. Shamans enter into this state at will in order to do work on behalf of others. Where they "go" specifically while in the SSC varies by culture, but overall the cosmology, or story of the universe, has structural similarities across belief systems. Who and what Shamanic Practitioners interact with in the places that they visit also has similar patterns in all indigenous societies.
Most Shamans have spirit guides that they work with to achieve desired goals. In my personal practice, I have many different spirit guides I partner with in order to practice healing in a loving, respectful, and productive way, for the benefit of all. Some of my spirit guides take an animal or animal-like form. Others are otherworldly. Many times, human or "humanoid" spirits will act as intercessionaries during my shamanic journeys. Perhaps the spirit guides that I am closest to are the spirits of the Plant People that I come in contact with regularly in my work as both a Shamanic Practitioner and Clinical Herbalist.
The shamanic healing that I do is a service. It is performed in the spirit of love, cooperation and compassion. While I do accept payment for my services, I also understand that this type of healing is meant to be an exchange. Therefore, I seek to never turn anyone away if they are in need of spiritual healing but feel financially unable to compensate me.
I have a sliding scale of $75 - $155/hour or per healing session, whichever is greater. Sliding scales are based on your ability to pay. The more you feel comfortable contributing, the more I am able to offer my services to those in need with less economic means.
I look forward to working with you and on your behalf to bring balance and beauty back into your life.